Cleaning the Detritus


Work up late (8:15) and Kurt Justin and I talked, walked around for a bit. Saw Kurt off to London. Back to the same old same old. The human condition. Drabness interspered by brief bits of light, color and laughter. Embarked on a massive cleaning job with Justin. I can’t believe the people before us were that dirty. Apparently no one realizes that “If you don’t clean it – it’ll keep getting dirtier”. I couldn’t stand it and I guess I bitched enough (1 week) that we finally got down and did it. I feel a lot better now. I like things clean. Umm…not much use out of today. Unwinding a bit. Thinking. Keeping a positive attitude :) Wrote up an entire description of the events of Friday. I’m getting worried about forgetting things. I don’t like that. Not much else done. Checked out the coop stuff. This is going to be harsh… Sleep @ 11:30

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