Next Job!


Oh man. So so tired. I had less than 5 hrs of sleep. Couldn’t stay awake in Calc. Resorted to a massive caffeine boost (tea) to keep me awake for the rest of the day. Found out I have a job match! Oh man! Meet the newest employee of the DRDC. I hope I will enjoy this job. I’m not sure what to think of it. AFAIK, I will be doing a lot of work on/with Linux. If that is the case then I’m definitely happy. I hope it will be a good experience. Really…I do. Worked on an finished the lab. I dislike implementing carry lookahead adders – especially in Xilinx Foundation 4.x. Talked to Justin quite a bit. Found out he wants to travel. I want a laptop ;) Emailed Kurt, finished up a lot of odds and ends. Got rid of the damn letter of endorsement. How the heck do I end up doing stuff like this? Did I ever tell you that I really *dislike* sponsorship? Well…I do. COuld have used time more productively today, but, on the whole – a decently used day. Rebuilt mozilla with –enable-crypto. I need the PSM support. Sleep at 1:30. I anticipate strong tea today morning at 6:40.

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