ArchiveFebruary 2003

MEGA Dinner

Got up quite late today – a weird headache on one side of my head – not sure what it was or how it was caused. Had stayed up very late the night befor talking to neiljp about CORBA and...

Castle Rips Off Kernel

Some JACKASS company called Castle Technology Inc. feels free to rip off the Linux kernel. I’m sending those ******* idiots a piece of my mind. I hope that they infantile _simian_ bastards burn...


Still pissed off about Waterloo. Man…I hate XIG. Those guys possibly have the worst attitude of any commercial vendor I’ve ever seen. They constantly lambast Xfree86… And their X...

Waterloo Disappointments

I am extremely disappointed in the University of Waterloo. I question whether I made the right choice in joining this university based on my current interests. Lets get a few things clear. Ahem. UofW...