One of the major advantages of studying in the Computer Engineering program at the University of Waterloo is coop. The ability to study a term and work for another is something that I value highly...
You cut me….
You cut me deep Paul… ;) I mean after all, I went home over the Reading ‘two days’ and enjoyed myself so much that I didn’t get to really look into updating the website. Is...
Last Midterm
Shweet – my last midterm’s coming up in just over 9 hours… Well, that’s not the sweet part. The nice part is that I’ll be done this … ‘interesting’...
Since Paul Asked ;)
The sum total of the last two weeks can be described as: RTX SDDInterviewsMidterms I haven’t had the time to get blogging done. Yesterday I did find Allister ogling the 15″ Powerbook ;)...
Crashing Down
I feel like everything is spinning out of control. I sit here, staring at the RTX and putting together piece after piece and I seem lacking. My depression’s back and in full force this time...