The CN Tower!
I wasn’t surprised to read that the Federal Conservatives were thinking of selling public assets to balance the books. After all, this is the gang that, during their tenure in Ontario, used exactly the same tactic to ‘balance’ budget after budget, and then left us with a massive deficit. And this is the party that claims that it’s the champion of fiscal prudence? What horse-trash.
Truth is, their poor decisions (which include cutting the GST) have left us worse off than we would be otherwise. The legacy of the two Harper terms is going to be a cumulative debt that undoes an entire decade of fiscal restraint.
At first I thought you were going to take a train ride to the CN Tower…
The green party has some of the best ideas generally for long term sustainability. It’s a shame Dion wasn’t a skilled enough politician to sell the public on some of their ideas.
At first I thought you were going to take a train ride to the CN Tower…
The green party has some of the best ideas generally for long term sustainability. It’a a shame Dion wasn’t a skilled enougb politician to sell the public on some of their ideas.;