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It reads “I need money for weed“.
A few looks
A laugh or two
no one gives him any.


I love food – but hate eating. I hate the phsyicality of it; the mastication; the chew-chew to turn solid to bolus, the feel of crumbs as they invade the interstitials of your teeth. It...

The Deal

I see yous turn – both enter the stall, backs to the sea of us Flash of green, bag of white fast-moving, your imagined sleight-of-hand, and – then it’s over. You move – I...


The urinal coughs, splutters toilet-bowl blue when he punches it. Pause. Then lean-forward and grabs it – calloused hand on porcelain white and burnished pipe. “When do we rwahr...

Population: 40

1, 2, 5 – so many! You roam with impunity, fast movers all Your movements effect immediate magic: turns party girls to ballerinas each, forms pirouetting – twirling open toes from curious...