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A Mind in Reverse

“I should be working”. That’s how it should start, he decides. It’s his second time around, second time traveling that same stretch of subway line. “I like taking the subway,” he’d once...

Happy Canada Day

It’s a bit late, but I hope my fellow Canadians are having a great Canada Day.
As I sit hear I can hear the blast and pop of fireworks outside. And although it’s uncool to say this,


Well, it’s not exactly the same, but I certainly identify with the sentiment. © Jorge Cham, PHD Comics Of course, in my case the curve’s substantially steeper. And I can’t say...

Street Photography is not Voyeurism

I can sense the discomfort when I talk about street photography. Not my own, but of the other person on finding that it means taking pictures of people in public spaces. I’ve never received a...

Which work?

Nastasya is talking to Raskolnikov in his room over soup.
Nastasya speaks first
“You say you used to go and teach children before, so why don’t you do anything now?”