I can never predict when the urge to photograph will strike. It could be in an indoor garden, in an abandoned cafeteria…
The Space Between
We put thirty spokes together and call it a wheel;
But it is on the space where there is nothing that
the utility of the wheel depends.
We turn clay to make a vessel;
But it is
The question betrays a vulnerability I can’t ignore. “I can’t take any more photos … Anyone else get this way?†My first words are those of an advisor:
After a layoff, Christmas, a repeat visit to Chicago and a new year, I’m back.
Maybe that really is the best I could have asked for, and the most I could have expected.
Does she wonder what I ‘m looking at? My eyes sidle, lagging behind hurried steps, and I watch as she runs in place. Her arms and legs do not float so much as flop, and flounder. They imply the...